
Apprenticeship Grey Düsseldorf

Agency: Grey

Apprenticeship Grey Düsseldorf

3 Years gaining knowledge and experience in classic advertising at Grey Düsseldorf.

Apprenticeship in marketing consulting was my stepping stone to art direction & design.

I started in advertising at the age of 18. I moved to Düsseldorf to attend my apprenticeship at Grey Worldwide. At this time Grey offered one of the best education programs for marketing in the industry. Over a half a year I had the opportunity to learn the job of an account executive on Procter & Gamble brands. The HR at Grey recognized my potential in creativity and offered to switch my educational focus to art direction. My time in marketing consulting as well as the lectures for the apprenticeship gave me a deep knowledge in marketing strategy, media strategy, market research, project management as well as basics in finance and controlling.

Over 2 years I learned the work of an art director. I helped along with big TV advertising campaigns as well as small online and print adverts. The work in the creation department was very rewarding for me. I learnt so much by working with very talented art directors. Grey gave me the opportunity to improve my skills and become a valuable member of the team. With 21 I did my own first global print campaign for Toshiba which was a great experience. 

The work in the creation department increased my will to learn more about design which lead me to leave the agency in order to start a study as a visual designer at the University of Applied Science Düsseldorf, HSD Peter Behrens School of Arts.

2007 – 2010
Agency: Grey, Düsseldorf

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